Item 1: newspackage

Interview with Pat Cox, President of the European Parliament

Background note

Mr. Cox in exclusive interview with SEETV concerning his upcoming visit to the Balkan region scheduled for beginning of October 2003.

Interview with Mr. Pat Cox, President of the European Parliament

Stockshots: Shot of Mr. Cox arriving to the European Parliament and while giving a speech

On how the European Parliament can help bring about the implementation of the Thessalonikki Summit conclusions.

Well, the purpose of my visit is, of course, to build on the logic of the Thessalonikki summit and the conclusions- to say clearly, on behalf of European Parliament, as President of the Parliament, to fellow Parliamentarians throughout this region that this is something we want to build with them, a European perspective, to manifest engagement and solidarity with this exercise and to recognise, of course, in reality, that this will be differentiated by the place of transformation chosen and delivered by my Parliamentary interlocutors as political leaders in their respective spaces.

On the assessment of candidate countries and the Western Balkans countries.

I think that the past decade has been a different story for each part. For Central and Eastern Europe a journey from its post-Soviet experience directly to Europe and , of course, there was the devastating, deadly detour in so much of this region with the civil war and, so, there is more heart, it is more recent,ther are more energies that made calming and refocussing,and so I don’t underestimate, if I may call in the European Union part, the civilisational part, the challenge which is so difficult when your heart is elsewhere. But it has worked elsewhere, that is the story of European reconciliation. Many years ago, Robert Schuman spoke about the true meaning of European Integration which has created reconciliation. First it worked between France and Germany with the assistance of the other founding states. It worked to consolidate purelist democracy after the collonels quit Greece, after Franco finished in Spain, after Salazar finished in Portugal, after the Soviet Empire collapsed in Central Europe. And so, I am optimistic it can work again,and you cannot forcefeed the pace, this is something where you take ownership from within and find from within the dynamics to connect the project and its values.

Stockshots: Mr . Cox in consultation with personal assistant

On whether Western Balkan countries will soon become candidates for full EU membership

Again, the answer to that is, I think, is differentiated because, you know, already the honest conditions for candidate starters.It is not for me to make the independent and sovereign choices from the different Parliaments who will act as my host, but I will urge people to consider seeking candidate status in terms where they can reasonably anticipate a positive answer becasue it would be so disappointing, some way, to signal to people if you ask prematurely and get what appears a wrong answer, that this is a rejection. It is complex, it does require careful, balanced consideration and so I think it is very important that we have a very clear and open dialogue with each other and that we do it in terms that have a clear perspective but where each must judge maturely when is the moment to pluck this status of candidate.

Stockshots: Mr. Cox chairs the European Parliement session in Strasbourg

Mr. Cox ‘s definition of a strong national Parliament

I think a strong national Parliament is the one that firmly believes, of course, in democratic pluralism so that you have options of the government opposition that can be functioning when their moment comes to take power, that are commited clearly to the rule of law, this includes, of course, the fight against corruption at every level, that are commited to good governance, not just in principle and in declaration but in substance, that are commited with all of the feelings we know behind this to a classic respect for individual human and minority rights, that are committed to policies of solidarity,sustainability and respect for cultural diversity and you know no words that are used that values set have I used expressly for this region because all of these are the trigger value words to be found in the new Constitutional Treaty for we, ourselves.

On the political maturity of Western Balkans countries.

I am not coming like some kind of examiner to a school class, that is not my function, it would be vulgar and overreaching even to presume in some way like that, to anwser your question. But I look back to something different: Central Eastern Europe, we had exactly these debates, and in the space of ten years remarkable progress was made. Ten years is a long time, looking forward, it’s a short time looking back and there have been ten powerfully productive European years in Central Eastern Europe and so we have that model to show us that it is not Mission impossible. It’s not overnight success, but it is not Mission Impossible.

On the possible consequences of the signing of the agreement between Western Balkans countries and Washington in regards to the International Criminal Court.

I understand the enormous presures the way decisions are made. I can tell, a very clear position of preference in the European Parliament. This was the first of European institutions of European Union to vote many years ago in favour of the concept of an International Criminal Court, to believe that the rule of law matters, to believe that there should be no hiding place for people who commit crimes against humanity or acts of genocide. To believe, and I passionately believe this personally,to believe that the rule of law of an International Court is better than its absence in Guantanamo Bay.And so these are value choices, civilisational choices of some sort and we have to try to understand all of the practical political pressures people have been under. But in the end, one of the features of European Union in things like this is that we have to pull together.

Stockshots: Shots of Mr. Cox prior to and during a conference session

Item 2

Interview with the Bosnian delegation during their visit to the EU Institutions this week

Background note

The Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Bosnia and Herzegowina address the press at the EPC Conference sponsored by the Roi Baudoin Federation.

Stockshots: Introductory words by the EPC chairman at the Conference at the Residence Palace in Brussels

Interview with the Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzgowina, Mr. Adnan Terzic

On his meeting with the High Representative Mr.Javier Solana.

Pa jesam zadovoljan . Razgovor kod gospodina Solane je protekao u jednoj prijateljskoj atmosferi. Mislim da ono sto smo ocekivali od ove posjete i zbog cega smo trazili da smo dobili. Dakle,mi zelimo da prikazemo sto se uradilo ove godine u Bosni i Hercegovini po pitanju reformi, po pitanju prihvatanja uslova koje Europska Komisija postavlja kroz svoj izvjestaj o Stabilizaciji i Pridruzivanju i po tome sta zelimo i sta ocekujemo od Evropske Komisije. Sigurno da smatramo da imamo puno argumenata da dokazemo da Bosna i Hercegovina moze bit partner i da jest partner Evropskoj Komisiji a to je najbitniji elemenat kada se odreduje Evropska Komisija feasability studijom prema nekoj drzavi.

On the reforms still necessary on the path of coming closer to the EU.

Pa vidite, postoji veci broj reformi, neke smo vec zapoceli, neke cemo u toku slijedece godine. Sigurno da reforma carinske i poreske sluzbe je krucijalna reforma jer ne mozete da razmisljate da budete partner Evropskoj Uniji ako imate drzavu sa dvije carine.Tu smo reformu vec napravili, poresku zavrsavamo i bit ce do kraja godine. Takoder, drzava koja nema Ministarstva Odbrane i koja ima jednu anarhiju u drzavnom smislu, u upravljanu vojskom ne moze ocekivat da bude clanica Evropske Unije ne moze ocekivat da joj feasability studija bude pozitivna, to je. Druga reforma i treca reforma je reforma obavjestajnih sluzbi sto je, isto tako, za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, isto tako, jedna bolna reforma ali jedna neophodna reforma koja jednostavno ne dozvoljava odgadanje. Ono jos sto smo prihvatili u martu mjesecu u Briselu na sastanku Vijeca za implementaciju mira, to je reforma javne administracije. Ona zapocinje u, sredinom slijedece godine ali mi vec intenzivno radimo sve pripreme na stvaranju strategije kako bi tu reformu proveli sto je moguce prije i sto je moguce efikasnije.

On the Image of Bosnia and Herzegowina and on attracting foreign investment.

Pa u prvom redu, ne stvaraju samo Bosanci imidz o Bosni i Hercegovini. Svi oni medunarodni predstavnici koji zive i rade u BiH stvaraju imidz Bosne i Hercegovine.Takoder, zemlje u regiji, regija Balkana stvara imidz o BiH. Sve su to elementi koji se moraju popraviti, koji se moraju preispitat kako bismo privukli strane investicije. Ono sto je do nas, mi cemo sigurno uradit: uredit pravosudni sistem koji garantuje investitorima zastitu njihovih investicija, obezbijedit da drzava ne pravi glupe birokratske prepreke kod otvaranja preduzeca, registracije preduzeca, registracije investicija, i tako dalje, ojacat i aktivirat rad na privatizaciji kako bi obezbijedili ambijent stranim investitorima da imaju gdje da ulazu i dokazat nasim stranim partnerima, prvo domacim privrednicima da Bosna i Hercegovina , da vlasti BiH jesu opredijeljene da pomognu u biznisu i da su biznis-prijateljski orijentisane vlasti, da u privatnom sektoru vidimo izlazak iz krize Bosne i Hercegovine, sto znaci otvaranje svih barijera koje nasi privatnici imaju kako bi se mogli razvijati i kako bi mogli proizvodit i pojavit se na evropskim trzistima.

On Bosnia’s expectations regarding the date of entry into the EU.

Pa da vam kazem, parlamentarna skupstina BiH je na nas prijedlog usvojila 2009. ,kraj 2009. kao godinu u kojoj BiH treba da postatne clanica EU. Ja moram priznat da etape koje treba da predu, predemo, da ce od njih zavisiti nas tempo. Evo, ovo je prva feasability studija, hocu da vjerujem da ce biti pozitivna i da cemo sto prije uci u pregovore oko ugovora o Asocijaciji i Pridruzivanju. Tada cemo onda moci, apsolutno da precizno odredimo rok.Kad zavrsimo Ugovor o Asocijaciji i Pridruzivanju, on ce u sebi sadrzat sve elemente za koje ce se u dan moc isplanirat kad i sta uradit.

17: 37
Stockshots : shots and extracts from the EPC Conference

Interview with Mr. Mladen Ivanic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On Bosnia entering a critical phase on the road of integration into the EU.

Pa mislim da je ona prva poslijeratna faza kada je trebalo obnoviti razrusenu infrastrukturu, kada je trebalo stvoriti elementarne uslove za zivot ljudi zavrsena. To je bila snazna podrska evropskih institucija i sada je kriticna faza u kojem cemo pravcu dalje ici.Sad je faza
kada treba preci an ekonomski odrziv razvoj i zato je u tom kontekstu uloga medunarodnih institucija pa i institucija Europske Unije izuzetno bitna, ne vise toliko u obezbedenju financijskih sredstava ili kredita koliko u stvaranju jedne povoljne klime da u Bosnu i Hercegovinu pocnu dolaziti investicije i da pocne ekonomski razvoj sam po sebi da se razvija. To je ono sto je za, ovog trenutka bitno i ovih nekoliko narednih mjeseci jesu u tome bitni.Da li cemo u tom uspjeti da ostvarimo taj jedan korak naprijed i nakon relativno uspjesne obnove sada udemu u fazu odrzivog ekonomskog razvoja.

On the extent of reforms already carried out

Pa vidjet cemo, reformu vode Komisija u kojoj su ispred entiteta predsjednici entiteta. Ovih dana se ocekuje predstavljanje toga sta je u okviru toga napravljeno. Uvjeren sam ako bude spremnosti na politicke kompromise da ce se moci napraviti potreban iskorak a to bi za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i zbog onog drugog razloga, privlacenja ekonomskih investicija, bilo jako bitno jer bi trebalo da posalje poruku, posebno ako Bosna i Hercegovina ude u Partnerstvo za Mir, a ja mislim da hoce, to bi onda znacilo da smo dio jedne sire porodice i da je u BiH samim tim cinom zagarantovana i politicka stabilnost, zato je za nas taj dio reforme bitan. Konkretna rjesenja, to ce zavisiti od dogovora izmedu entitetskih institucija ja vjerujem da ce oni u tome, nadam se, naci kompromis.

On the High Representative’s mandate in Bosnia and Herzegowina and his role in the Stabilisation and Association Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegowina

Prije svega, ja mislim da je proces prenosenja odgovornosti sa medunarodnih institucija na lokalne institucije, na domace vec poceo.I mislim da ce se on jako povecati do kraja ove godine i pocetkom iduce.Ja sam vise puta rekao da mislim da mandat Visokog Predstavnika treba zakljuciti do 2005. godine, to je nekako deset godina poslije Daytona, neka i psiholoska granica, mislim da ne bi bilo dobro da poslije 2005. imamo uopste institucije Visokog Predstavnika sa pravom da namece zakone, smjenjuje politicare i sve ono sto je bilo u posljednjim godinama, mislim da su domace institucije dovoljno se osposobile da mogu same da rade taj posao, da smo naucili kako da dolazimo do rjesenja i do kompromisa, i zato msilim da je 2005. ta neka godina u kojo ce vjerojatno uloga Viskog Predstavnika biti zavrsena. Mislim da je i ta, mi smo to vec sve jasno iskazali i prema predstvanicima viskih institucija ovdje u Briselu i siguran sam da je to vec i prihvaceno ovdje i zato mislim da ce biti izuzetno bitno da do kraja godine domace institucije donose zakone i da vise ne bude primjera nametanja zakona. Milsim da bi svako nametanje zakona bilo kontraproduktivno po Bosnu i Hercegovinu,i da bi othranilo one koji kazu:”Eto, vidite, oni jos uvijek nisu sposobni sami da odrade taj posao i da se prikljuce EU.”Ja mislim da jesmo, da imamo dovoljno snage da mozemo sami da nademo kompromise, i mislim da ce se uloga Visokog Predstavnika sve vise smanjivati a sve vise jacati domace institucije.

On EU taking over control of SFOR

Za BiH je bitno da jos jedno vrijeme ima Medunarodne Mirovne Snage, ne bih rekao vise zbog ocuvanja bezbjednosti jer je pitanje bezbjednosti ionako vec postalo odgovornost domacih institucija, vise kao jedna politicka poruka da su Medunarodne Institucije i dalje tu,i vise zbog potrebe da one budu ukljucene u proces treninga obrazovanja nasih, domacih, vojnih sruktura. Ne treba nam vjerojatno 12,000 koliko ih danas imamo, pripradnika tih grupa,dovoljno je vise pet-sest a ponovno vise simbolicki.Tko ce vodit te trupe? Da li SAD, ili EU, mi zelimo da trupe imamo i mi ne bismo htjeli da izgubimo ijednog prijatelja. Rekao bih da je to vise stvar diskusije unutar samih zemalja NATO-a, nego nas. Za nas je jednostavno prihvatljivo ovo sto sam rekao: da jos jednom imamo Medunarodne Trupe, da ne budu u tom obimu,i da oko njih postoji jedna saglasnost zemalja NATO-a. Mislim da nema potrebe da se mi ukljucujemo u te rasprave unutar zemalja NATO-a tko treba da bude vodeca institucija. Za nas je prihvatljivo, zaista, da ostane onako kako sada jeste ali jednako tako zemlje NATO-a predvidaju da EU bude vodeca u cijelom tom poslu, zasto ne i to,ali mislim da odluku o tome treba da donose zemlje NATO-a prije svega.



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