01.12.2005. Conference in The Hague (Peace palace)

«The heart of the matter» organized by the European Cultural Foundation and Hivos

I think this was a very important event because it raised the awareness that without culture there is never going to be an adequate integration of South Eastern Europe into the European Union.

TC 00:00 Cutaway Peace Palace in The Hague outside
TC 00:19 Cutaway Peace Palace inside
TC 00:46 Cutaway poster of the conference

TC 00:50 Interview with Mr Wolfgang Petritsch, Austrian ambassador to the UN and former High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On the conference:

“I think this was a very important event because it raised the awareness that without culture there is never going to be an adequate integration of South Eastern Europe into the European Union. The economy is of course important, the political and the institutional reforms are very important but without the overarching idea of fostering cultural initiatives in the region itself, of support through the EU there’s not going to be a real reconciliation and recooperation of the Balkans”

TC 01:33 Int. Petritsch on the usefulness of the subject of the conference

“It’s not something that is as visible as the rebuilding of a bridge or the crossing of the Danube or a new highway, etc. This is all very important but this is all quite underway. This will all make no sense unless you have the glue, the intellectual and emotional glue. That is what culture and the arts are all about”

TC 02:02 Int. Petritsch on the smart visa policy

“The mobility could be a phrase if we do not follow through, that is why we also invited politicians and the European parliament because we need those who have the power to change the legislation. To give them ideas how that could be done. The slogan of a smart visa policy is such an idea. Give the young generation a chance to travel but at the same tile give them the responsibility to return to their country in order to help rebuild the societies there. That is the slogan.”

TC 02:48 Int. Petritsch on lobbying

“ The new Europe, Brussels is very much built on lobbying so what we need to do to motivate civil society both in Eastern Europe and in the EU. How come that more than 70 percent of the Serbian youth has never been in a foreign country not even in neighbouring Hungary because of Shengen. So something needs to be done otherwise we will create a new iron curtain between the Balkans and the rest of Europe and this is definitely not in the interest of the integration process and in the interest of the future of Europe.”

TC 03:32 Cutaway conference

TC 03:55 Interview with Mr Goran Svilanovic, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro:
on the conference:
“Glavna stvar koja je ovde recena to je da jedan od problema od kad je krenuo process integracije, a pogotovu kad govorimo o zemljama Balkana koje su na pocetku ovog procesa, sto kultura je na neki nacin skrenuta u potpunosti. Objasnjenje je sto kultura nije deo “acquis communautaire”, to znaci da EU nema obavezu da pokusava da integrise, nema obavezu da to ukljuci u aktivnosti koje finansira. Medjutim je ovde bila tako dobra diskusija, mnogo je receno u prilog tome da bez obzira na tu formu da kultura nije ukljucena u “acquis”, da ustvari EU bi trebala da obrati paznju citav niz projekata koje postoje u regionu, koje definisu nov regionalni identitet, pogotovu sad posle sukoba, koje mogu da pomognu ne samo smirivanju strasti I pomirenju medju narodima nego u svakoj od ovih zemalja mogu da pomognu proces integracije I razmene na kulturnom nivou izmedju Eu I te zemlje.”

TC 04:57 Mr Svilanovic on the conference
“Cela ideja konferencije je da se pomogne da se medju obicnim svetom koji ovde glasa na referendum o ustavu, sutra ce mozda glasati o prosirenju, da ti ljudi shvate koliko su blisko povezani sa narodima Balkana koji su u proces pridruzivanju.”

TC 05:15 Mr Svilanovic on liberalizing the visa regime

“Ja sam o tome govorio, o vizama I otvorio tu temu posto mislim da je to jedna od kljucnih tema. Postoji proces pridruzivanja koji treba da nas poveze ali u situaciji u kojoj se nalazimo, ja sam prosto dao neke podatke da vise od 70% studenata na beogradskom Univerzitetu nikad nije bilo u inostranstvu cak ni u Dubrovniku, Sarajevu, Skoplju, nisu uopste izvan Srbije izasli. I pritom se radi o ljudima koji su odrastali u periodu rata. Sada studiraju, imaju 20 godina a nisu nikada videli bilo koju od zemalja. To znaci da oni svoju ideju o Evropi formiraju samo na osnovi MTV-a ili CNN-a, sport, Eurosong itd.To jeste deo slike o Evropi ali to nije Evropa. A pogotovu sto slike o susedima formiraju samo na osnovu stereotipa . Nasi mediumi su prepuni stereotipa pogotovu o susednim narodima I zbog toga sam se jako zalozio da se nesto uradi da se liberalizuje vizna politika.

TC 06:33 Svilanovic on proposal for smart visa regime
Onda sam predlozio smart viza rezim a to je bar da se ohrabri onaj deo populacije koji ce biti nosilac integracionih procesa: mladi, studenti, akademci, oni koji su ukljuceni u sportu, biznisu… da se njima bar olaksa proces dobijanja vize.”

TC 07:02 Svilanovic on the process of liberalizing the visa regime for Balkans in the EU

“Ja mislim da sve vise ljudi medju onima koji odlucuju a to su ministari unutrasnjih poslova, kad to dodje do njih onda tu je jedna velika stanka. Prvo manje znaju, drugo oni su stalno okupirani kriminalom, sto ja postujem, treto oni ne govore nijedan strain jezik, ni ovi u regionu, ni ovi u Evropi. Ministari unutrasnjih poslova imaju taj problem da shvate koliko je vazno saradjivati sa drugima, da onda oni otcepe taj kanal koji je u trenutku zaceplje. Sengenski vizni rezim u ovom trenutku je vise izulo zemlje Balkana nego svojevremeno gvozdena zavesa.”

TC 07:50 Svilanovic on the current cultural situation in Serbia.

“ Medju deset najposecenijih kulturnih dogadjaja u Evropi tokom 2005 bili su EXIT I Guce. To su dogadjaja na dva pola ali su razmak od 4 sata putovanja I oba su u Srbiji. Postujem I jedno I drugo. Mislim da je to na neki nacin proces koji vodi ka ono sto je nama potrebno, a to je da “ribrendujemo Balkan”. I EXIT I Guce su ono sto je taj neki novi ne samo srpski nego balkanski identitet. Tu imate prozivanja svega onoga sto je najbolje u ovom trenutku u celom regionu I ja verujem da treba prihvatiti to kao idnetitet novog srpskog drustva jer je to taj identitet koji je podeljen sa zemjama okoline.”

TC 08: 36 Cutaway of the conference

TC 08:44 Mr Svilanovic on the future of Kosovo
“Nisam veliki optimista, nacin na koji su zauzeli poziciju u Pristini I u Beogradu me ne ohrabruje previse, ja se bojim da ne dodje toga da Ahtisarijeva misija propadne. Ja im zelim sve najbolje I nadam se da ce imati dobru poddrsku kontakt grupe I zatim svih ostalih u medjunarodnoj javnosti jer je tu vrlo slozen proces. Ne moze da se resi nista za mesec, dva, tri, treba biti spreman da to potraje kroz celu 2006 godinu ali u ovom trenutku nisam spreman da iskljucim mogucnost da pregovori potpuno propadnu toliko mi se cini da su pocetne pozicije udaljene da imam utisak da kad shvate o cemu stvarno razgovaraju d ace se povuci.”

TC 09:28 Svilanovic on the risk of violent incidents on Kosovo
“Ja se bojim nasilja na Kosovu ali ako govorimo o nekom nasilju ogromnih razmera ili destabilizaciji regiona onda ne. Ja ne mislim da mozemo da ocekujemo domino efekat niti milsim da mozemo ocekivati bilo kakvo nasilje nalik onome sto smo prosli u poslednjim 10-15 godina, ne ratove, ne takve sukobe. Incidente, da. Toga se pribojavam.”

TC 09:51 Cutaway of the conference
TC: 10:06 Cutaway Mr Emil Brix, Director General for Cultural Policies, Austrian ministry of Foreign Affairs

TC 10:28 Interview with Mr Emil Brix on what he learned from the conference

“What I learned is that there is a possibility of a common language between artists and political people and bureaucrats. It’s a good example of how good it is to overcome these different languages. What I also took away is to explain why culture is at the basis of European integration and why Eastern Europe has to play an important cultural role in the development of Europe. So I take away a lot of experience on how one should use culture as a positive argument for the integration process.”

TC 11:10 Mr Brix on facilitating mobility for the people in SEE
“This is the question. Europe is a quite complicated process at the moment, it’s no longer possible to make projects where some people decide and then we stop. The last of these projects was the enlargement of May 2004 and the Euro. Nowadays you have to work much more with the population, convince people that it’s necessary. So only if we find ways to convince people in the present member countries that it is good to open the borders for young people, to bring them in for education because it is in their own interest that we have these experiences coming from the Western Balkans and secondly it is important for the stability all over Europe. It’s a two-step effort that we have to do. First convince our own populations and then the concrete steps can be done. I do understand that there is some impatience on the side of SEE and we have to find the right speed of how to do that. Austria sees itself as an advocate of trying to explain in Western Europe why this is urgent, this is something which is very important for the whole European development.”

TC 12:37 Cutaway of the end of the conference – people talking
TC 12:47 Cutaway inside of the Peace Palace at the end of the conference
TC 12:52 Cutaway of the station Den Haag central
TC 13: 03 Cutaway of the station – bikes

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